Since 2004 our visitors have donated more than 400,000€ all together at our gates. In 2023 we were able to collect almost 66,000€ – a new record. We want to thank you for that!
The Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence of Berlin (OSPI BERLIN) is a very early member of our organization. As a club member they were always in charge of inspiring our visitors to donate. They collected more than 400,000€ since 2004. This money went to numerous HIV/AIDS projects all over Europe. Once a year our general assembly decides about who is getting how much. All non-profits who support and help people with HIV/AIDS in Europe as asked to please apply to our board if they want to be considered in the future.
This concept is kind of unique at the European fetish community and we are very proud and thankful of the support and awareness for this donation system by our fans and visitors. So when you come and party on our fair this September – please donate and support those, who need it the most. Like you always did. Thank you!
The general assembly represented by all our members has met on January 13th, 2023 and decided to donate almost 45,000 € to the following non-profit organizations:
* 5,600 € for OSPI Berlin – Sisters of Perpetual Indulgenz
* 1,000 € for pro plus Berlin
* 2,500 € for Projekt Information Berlin
* 1,400 € for projects of Sister Mary Read in Poland
* 5,000 € for Quälgeist Berlin
* 5,000 € for MLC München
* 5,000 € for BLF Berlin Leder Fetisch
* 2,500 € for Hein & Fiete Hamburg
* 2,650 € for Mann-O-Meter Berlin
* 1,250 € for LC Stuttgart
* 5,000 € for Rheinfetisch Köln
* 1,775 € for Berliner AIDS-Hilfe
* 2,500 € for Böse Buben Berlin
* 3,750 € for Queer Nations
Those amounts of support are the result of your generous donations at our FOLSOM EUROPE gates in 2022 where we collected 44,414 €.
Thank you all for your great support. These projects and all those other ones from the last 19 years are very thankful for your help!
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